Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Principle Role of Financial Intermediaries Essay Example for Free

The Principle Role of Financial Intermediaries Essay There are evidences that â€Å"financial intermediaries play a key role in improving the performance of the economy†. (Morawski 4) Not to mention that they â€Å"could even act as a good predictor of long run rates of economic growth, capital accumulation and productivity improvement† (King and Levine cited in Chakraborty 1). However, what –exactly- is the principle role of financial intermediaries? This is what this essay tries to answer. This essay aims at discussing the principle role of financial intermediaries (banks, investment companies, financial advisors or brokers, credit unions, mutual funds, and insurance companies). The best approach to achieve this goal is to search the literature to study what is written concerning financial intermediaries’ different roles and assess these roles to come up with the principle role of these institutions. However, first of all, it was necessary to study different definitions for financial intermediaries in case these definitions could give an idea about the principle role of them. For example, -according to Claus et al. financial intermediaries â€Å"‘channel funds’ from those who have savings to those who have more ‘productive’ uses for them† (2). Also, Jalan defined financial intermediaries as â€Å"institutions which ‘transfer funds’ from economic agent with surplus funds (surplus units) to economic agents (deficit units) that would like to utilize those funds. Then, Morawski provided a better definition to ‘Financial intermediaries’ term as institutions which provide â€Å"‘channeling’ or efficiently ‘transfer funds’ between lenders (surplus units) and (deficit units) borrowers that are brought together in order to achieve higher production and efficiency for the economy as a whole. † or in another word, as she mentioned institutions which â€Å"pool ‘resources’ from various small investors so that they can be able to later lend those ‘funds’† (2, 3) Then, it was clear that these definitions actually give the financial intermediaries’ principle role. However, to be sure that the principle role is what mentioned in definitions of the term, it was logical to move to other research findings that discussed basic or vital roles of financial intermediaries. Corrigan mentioned that the vital and indispensible role of financial intermediaries is in â€Å"helping societies ‘economies’ achieve a broad range of public policy goals, including, but not limited to- ‘mobilizing’ and ‘allocating savings’ in an effective and efficient manner† (10) According to Chakraborty, financial intermediaries â€Å"perform the roles of (a) resource mobilization and allocation, (b) risk diversification and (c) liquidity management to foster development of the real sector† (1) and that’s exactly what Morawski assure â€Å"The low transaction costs allow those institutions to offer liquidity services as it is simpler to sell financial instruments to raise cash and in the same time reduce the exposure to potential risks by sharing risks among various investors† (3) Diamond and Dybvig summarized these roles when they showed that financial intermediaries â€Å"can enhance risk sharing, which can be a precondition of liquidity, and can thus improve welfare† (cited in Claus et al. 2). And through these two financial services –provision of liquidity and risk sharing- they â€Å"reduce the costs of ‘moving funds’ and help in overcoming information asymmetry between borrowers and lenders, leading to more ‘efficient allocation of resources’ and faster economic growth† (Claus et al. , 2) Claus et al. mentioned two channels through which financial intermediaries â€Å"can have an effect on economic growth, capital accumulation and technological innovation†. (7-8) While â€Å"this ‘supply of funds’ provided by financial intermediaries –according to Goldsmith- through loans or through the purchase of securities is an essential if not the primary economic function of financial interm ediaries† (180) Finally, based on these definitions and research findings, the principle role of financial intermediaries is in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness in supplying funds to the market by mobilizing and allocating resources or funds -with (a) low transactions costs and (b) overcoming information asymmetry- between borrowers (surplus units) and lenders (deficit units) -through two main services, the (1) provision of liquidity and (2) risk sharing-; and as a result to this better utilization of these funds (more investments and higher production- leads to economic growth or welfare (through (1) capital accumulation, (2) improved or enhanced productivity, and (3) technological innovation).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Phobias Essay -- essays research papers

Everyone knows that everyone is afraid of something. Everyone recognizes that phobias are not something to be ashamed of, and that everyone has at least one. But what exactly is a phobia? Simply put, it’s an anxiety disorder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The exact definition of a phobia is a bit different though. A phobia is an anxiety disorder in which a person will experience a strong, irrational fear of a situation, object, or activity. Adults with fears usually realize they are being irrational, but children are the opposite. A phobia will produce a feeling of anxiety that will range anywhere from mild, to downright severe. People with mild symptoms don’t usually worry about it too much because it doesn’t interfere with their day to day activities. People with a severe phobia, however, sometimes have no choice than to seek help. Some phobias, if left un-dealt with, can become so severe that the person won’t even leave their bed. There are three main types of phobias. The first is Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is a fear of public places. With this fear comes the feeling that the person is trapped or fears having a panic attack in public. The second type of phobia is Social phobia. Social phobia is the fear of social situations or performing in public. When people have this fear, they may be embarrassed by symptoms of having a panic attack or anxiety. A good example of this type of phobia is people who don’t like public speaking. This would be due to mild social phobia (or major, depending how badly you hate it). The final category of phobia is a Specific phobia. This is a very broad category and covers many things. The basic definition of it is it’s the fear of specific objects, places, situations, or activities. The fear is usually driven by fear of harms way. Someone who is experiencing this may get some side affects of losing any emotional control, and possibly even physical control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Phobias are very common. Nearly 25 million people suffer from a serious phobia sometime in their life. Agoraphobia is the most common type of phobia. Around 60% of people who seek help for phobias are there for agoraphobia. 50% of the people who get treated for this are women. Social phobia occurs in both men and women about equally. It occurs is about 2% of the population. When it comes to specific phobias, they are usually outgrown by adultho... ...ns. The main importance with the treatment of this phobia though, is that the patient avoid any abusive drugs or alcohol. If they turn to those for help, it is very difficult for doctors to cure them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Patients that have specific phobias are treated in three main ways, just like the other two. These ways are medication, progressive desensitization, and exposure. Exposure is by far the most important factor in curing someone with a specific phobia. People with specific phobias are often afraid of things that will usually do them no harm, such as snakes or spiders. If patients want to get treated fast and effectively, they need to start exposing themselves to the variable that gives them fear. The quicker they do this, the faster they will be cured.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone one this planet will have a fear of something at some point in their lifetime. For some it may be simple flies or bees. Others it may be lions or alligators. And for some it can impair their everyday lifestyle, such as the people with social phobia and agoraphobia. Phobias come in all different degrees in every person, and are a quite interesting if you look into them. Phobias Essay -- essays research papers Everyone knows that everyone is afraid of something. Everyone recognizes that phobias are not something to be ashamed of, and that everyone has at least one. But what exactly is a phobia? Simply put, it’s an anxiety disorder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The exact definition of a phobia is a bit different though. A phobia is an anxiety disorder in which a person will experience a strong, irrational fear of a situation, object, or activity. Adults with fears usually realize they are being irrational, but children are the opposite. A phobia will produce a feeling of anxiety that will range anywhere from mild, to downright severe. People with mild symptoms don’t usually worry about it too much because it doesn’t interfere with their day to day activities. People with a severe phobia, however, sometimes have no choice than to seek help. Some phobias, if left un-dealt with, can become so severe that the person won’t even leave their bed. There are three main types of phobias. The first is Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is a fear of public places. With this fear comes the feeling that the person is trapped or fears having a panic attack in public. The second type of phobia is Social phobia. Social phobia is the fear of social situations or performing in public. When people have this fear, they may be embarrassed by symptoms of having a panic attack or anxiety. A good example of this type of phobia is people who don’t like public speaking. This would be due to mild social phobia (or major, depending how badly you hate it). The final category of phobia is a Specific phobia. This is a very broad category and covers many things. The basic definition of it is it’s the fear of specific objects, places, situations, or activities. The fear is usually driven by fear of harms way. Someone who is experiencing this may get some side affects of losing any emotional control, and possibly even physical control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Phobias are very common. Nearly 25 million people suffer from a serious phobia sometime in their life. Agoraphobia is the most common type of phobia. Around 60% of people who seek help for phobias are there for agoraphobia. 50% of the people who get treated for this are women. Social phobia occurs in both men and women about equally. It occurs is about 2% of the population. When it comes to specific phobias, they are usually outgrown by adultho... ...ns. The main importance with the treatment of this phobia though, is that the patient avoid any abusive drugs or alcohol. If they turn to those for help, it is very difficult for doctors to cure them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Patients that have specific phobias are treated in three main ways, just like the other two. These ways are medication, progressive desensitization, and exposure. Exposure is by far the most important factor in curing someone with a specific phobia. People with specific phobias are often afraid of things that will usually do them no harm, such as snakes or spiders. If patients want to get treated fast and effectively, they need to start exposing themselves to the variable that gives them fear. The quicker they do this, the faster they will be cured.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone one this planet will have a fear of something at some point in their lifetime. For some it may be simple flies or bees. Others it may be lions or alligators. And for some it can impair their everyday lifestyle, such as the people with social phobia and agoraphobia. Phobias come in all different degrees in every person, and are a quite interesting if you look into them.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Reasearch Paper-Barriers Among Homeless Youth

Barriers Among Homeless Youth In Health Care Sebastian Henao Conestoga College Homelessness amongst youth is common in nearly every part of the world, including the region of Waterloo. Given these circumstances many young adults have barriers that they must overcome in a daily basis in order to stay alive. Some of these barriers include substance abuse, sexual intercourse and poor access to health care. All of these barriers can potentially harm a young person’s life.So how can nurses help the homeless youth from overcoming these barriers? A review form â€Å"Health-Seeking Challenges Among Homeless Youth† suggests that information on healthcare services and assistance to homeless youth, is key for their wellbeing. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2009, 10 to 20 youth in Waterloo Region are experiencing persistent homelessness and at least 75 are at-risk. These youth are more likely to engage in risky behaviour due to barriers they experience ever y day.Even though the research of, â€Å"Health-Seeking Challenges Among Homeless Youth† was done in the United States, as nurses, we can still incorporate their message into our practice, the research was done to determine what were the biggest barriers homeless youth encountered in healthcare services. Do to this research nurses can plan ways to ensure the wellness of homeless youth and ensure these barriers don’t take place. As nurses we are taught that our patients deserve the best care possible, disregarding age or social status. Rather than provide resources for homeless youth, youth frequently were confronted with unforgettable comments that were full of judgment. † (Hudson et al. ,2010) It is important that as nurses we are open and not make judgements in order to provide the best client care possible, this is seen as a barrier to homeless youth that feel like whenever they go to a clinic they are being discriminated. The different barriers that homeless youth encounter on a daily basis are not the same barriers that other patients may encounter.Therefore, the health teaching used for homeless youth should be different than that of the average patient. â€Å"Health-seeking Challenges among Homeless Youth† research report has shown the different barriers the youth face and as nurses, we must be flexible with providing them with the appropriate health teaching to ensure their wellness. Mental health, sexual orientation and substance abuse help are just a few of the health teaching the youth need â€Å"As a result, young adults called out for more outreach, particularly for mental health treatment† (Hudson et al. , 2010).Being able to identify and give effective help to patients suffering from mental health, can lead to a better health and recovery. In order to reach out to the younger homeless population, all the related interproffessional teams should discuss what the best solution is to pass on the information to the y outh. One way that the use could access the information is through programs or classes that can be held in shelters, these classes can be held to provide information regarding substance abuse, sexual intercourse and mental health; how to reach help and if necessary could provide with other resources.Some other ways the information can be passed on the youth could be to hold clinics through the city, this can give a chance for the homeless to come get information and be able to get any help they need. According to Throughout the Waterloo region there are a number of programs to help out homeless people, however, these programs should incorporate information on how the health care services can help them.If we all work together and provide the necessary information, the barriers that homeless youth experience in healthcare can be eliminated. References First Call Bc (2012). Resources on the Mental Health of Homeless youth in Canada. Retrieved September 20, 2012 from http://firstcallbc. wordpress. com/2012/05/30/resources-on-the-mental-health-of-homeless-youth-in-canada/ Hudson, A. , Nyamthi, A. , Greengold, B. , Slagle, A. , Koniak-Griffin, D. , Khalilifard, F. , & Getzoff, D. (2010).Health seeking challenges among homeless youth. Nursing Research, 59(3), 212-218. National Alliance to End Homelessness (2009). New Funding for Homeless Youth Services and Housing – Guide to Community Planners and Youth Advocates. Retrieved September 20, 2012, from www. endhomelessness. org/section/policy/focusareas/youth. Region of Waterloo (2010). Social planning, policy and program administration. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from http://www. regionofwaterloo. ca/en/regionalGovernment/resources/SA2010-0406. pd

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Persuasive Speech On Organ Donation - 973 Words

Magdalena Marquez Barbara Hastings Composition 1 22 October 2017 Donate today! I’m waiting in line at the grocery store finally it’s my turn to check out. Next to the register tucked in the corner stands a little plastic jar with a handwritten note â€Å"Donate Today!!!†. Inside the jar there is a good amount of change, a few dollar bills, a button, and a rubber band. By throwing our spare change in we are helping the cause which might make us feel more noble even just for a short instant. However, are we actually helping? How can we truly make a difference? I had an opportunity to make a major, life changing difference by deciding to become a live organ donor and donating a kidney to my husband Keisy. Nowadays the number of people in†¦show more content†¦Many hospital visits and multiple tests later it was time to simply wait for the results. With anticipation I waited what it seemed like an eternity for the most important phone call of my life. I would jump every time my phone rung. One very peaceful morning I was s tanding in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, suddenly the silence was broken by phone ringing, I startled. Looking down on the screen it was the hospital, I answered it quickly. I could feel my heart rising to my throat. It was my living donor coordinator calling with the results: I was a MATCH!!! Pure joy rushed through my body like a lightning sending a chill down my spine raising up every hair on my body. Immediately after I called my husband to share the incredible news. At first, he couldn’t believe it but deep down in our hearts we knew I will be the right candidate. When he got home from work we looked into each other eyes and just started to cry from joy, fear and love all together. Without any further delays we selected a date for the operation August 1st which has a special double meaning for us our first wedding anniversary and the transplant. On August 1st, 2015 we went through a successful kidney transplant surgery with the help of an amazing team of doctors and nurses at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. I woke up inShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : Organ Donation1076 Words   |  5 PagesTopic: Persuasive Speech Assignment #2: Organ Donation Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to become registered organ donors. Thesis: Today I want to persuade my audience to become registered organ donors. Introduction I. To start, by a show of hands, only if you feel comfortable, how many of you are registered organ donors? II. According to, â€Å"an average of 22 people die each day waiting for transplants that can t take place because of the shortage of donated organs.† Read MoreOrgan Donation : Persuasive Speech909 Words   |  4 PagesOrgan Donation Rhetorical Analysis Organ donation has been a major controversy for many years now. There are those people who favor it and the ones who do not. According to the United States Organ and Tissue Transplantation Association, organ donation is defined as tissue or organ removal from a deceased or living donor, for transplantation purposes. Tissues and organs are moved in a surgical procedure. Afterwards, they are transplanted to a recipient to ensure their recovery (Francis 2015). OrganRead MorePersuasive Speech On Organ Donation1150 Words   |  5 Pagesshortage of donated organs.† (Brazier) Due to the shortage of organs, this causes many people to go to extreme measures to save a loved one. Maybe even to the point of doing something illegal. The more we help promote and contribute to organ donation, the more lives we can save. There is a new name added to the list every 10 minutes while around 20 people die a day waiting for an organ. Organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placingRead MoreA Persuasive Speech On Organ Donation947 Words   |  4 Pagesname is, Lizette Vazquez, and I am here to talk to you about becoming an organ donor. Many people wait for years for organs to become available, the need for organ donors is growing. Donate and save a life. If you had a chance to save a life and or change their life, would you do it? If you answered no, to this question would your feelings change, towards organ donation if someone in your family or close to you need an organ transplant? Can you imagine, what it would feel like to get handed a deathRead MorePersuasive Speech : Organ Donation1335 Words   |  6 Pagesto make. C. My name is Morgan Silva and I am here to talk to you about organ donation, how you can become one, and the ways your family and donor recipients benefit from the donation you made. II. Body A. People often ask themselves what organ donation is and what it involves. 1. According to Medline Plus, organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another. a. All kinds of organs can be donated to save a life: the kidneys, the heart, the liver, the pancreasRead MorePersuasive Speech On Organ Donation1048 Words   |  5 Pageshigh enough. These people need organs, and it is on us to help. It takes just one of us to save as many as eight people on the list. People need to be educated on organ donation and the opportunities it creates rather than a hasty decision that is made when you apply for your driver’s license. Organ donation is an amazingly powerful and underestimated practice. I believe everyone should become more open to the idea of helping others through the donation of their organs, which would otherwise be entirelyRead MoreOrgan Donation Persuasive Speech Essay1115 Words   |  5 Pagescouldn’t live without? Imagine you are lying in a hospital bed and you have no choice but to impatiently wait for that one organ you and your body are depending on to survive. Many people face this struggle every day. These people are waiting on a list for their perfect match†¦ the perfect person to be their organ donor. An organ donor is a person who has an organ, or several organs, removed in ordered to be transplanted into another person. Imagine that one of your loved ones are in the hospital†¦Read MorePersuasive Speech About Organ Donation1369 Words   |  6 Pagesan organ transplant (â€Å"Data†). These people wait patiently as death knocks on their door. In America, we can do so much to ensure that people will live on with the donations of organs. Unfortunately, many are unaware of the amount of people who are dying that are waiting for an organ. Organ donation is a great way to save someones life, and continue the life of a loved one. Although it is a great way to give someone a new life many people are uninformed about donation and how valuable organs areRead MorePersuasive Outline-Organ Donation886 Words   |  4 PagesPERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE – ORGAN DONATION Topic:  Organ donation Thesis Statement:  Becoming an organ donor after death is not only an important decision for yourself, but it is also an important decision for the life that you may have the power to save. Purpose:  To persuade my audience to consider becoming organ donors after death    Introduction: 1. Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chanceRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline Essay examples942 Words   |  4 PagesPersuasive Speech Outline Topic: Organ Donation General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech my audience will consider donating their organs and tissues after death and to act upon their decision to donate. Central Idea: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you no longer need your organs. Introduction: How do you feel when you’re waiting for something you really really want? Or what if it’s not even